Right to Education Act: Significance, guarantees, gaps and reforms

Find out what guarantees the Right to Education Act or RTE Act entails and what gaps still remain unfulfilled.

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Right to Education Act: Significance, guarantees, gaps and reforms

Find out what guarantees the RTE Act entails and what gaps still remain unfulfilled. New Delhi , UPDATED: Dec 1, 2021 18:56 IST

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, more widely known as the Right to Education Act 2009(RTE), guarantees free education to children from the age of 6 to 18. The Parliament of India enacted this act on August 4, 2009 and came into force on April 1, 2010. This enforcement of this act made India one of 135 countries in the world that have education as a fundamental right.


Government responsibilities under RTE

Significance and implementation

India Today spoke to Senior Education Specialist at ChildFund India, Aekta Chanda, to understand the significance of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

On the significance of the act, she said, "Right to education act has deep significance for India, as it has a paradigm shift in terms of education in India, it was born out of a long movement and has direct connection with the essence of the constitution."

She then explained, "India being a democratic country, it becomes imperative that its citizens are educated and for that to happen it is important that education is universalized."

"The right to education made it a legally imperative and put this onus of ensuring free and compulsory education for all on the government," she said.

How has RTE improved the education infrastructure?

Aekta Chanda explained, "The major impact that right to education has had on the Indian education system, is the fact that it led to an unprecedented increase in the enrollment rate of children in the country."

"Physical infrastructure has improved, in terms of building, classrooms and so on. However, in terms of requirements like pupil teacher ratio and so on, not much progress has been made," she added.

Major challenges to RTE implementation

What reforms are needed?

The following reforms may be made to the Right to Education Act as per Aekta Chanda:
